
Veojam member since January 22, 2011
Mário Eugênio, greart acoustic guitarist in brazilian, with own style, uses a different way of addressing the cords of his seven-string, acoustic guitar complete with a powerful low, using the slap, characteristic of the electric bass, completing the gap that was missing for their arrangements. Composer, arranger, brazilian, has been highlighting in his country as a top representative of the instrument.
Ever played with Baden Powell, among others .. make your self-taught e ...


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Chick Corea & Steve Gadd Banda - Mario Eugenio

Uploaded on October, 01, 2023  |  14,647 views Chick Corea & Mario Eugenio I'm a Brazilian musician and I'm taking the risk of surfing other waves. Nothing like starting with the greatest pianists in the world Chick Corea & Steve Gadd Band

Recent videosAll videos

Chick Corea & Steve Gadd Banda - Mario Eugenio 03:45 Chick Corea & Steve Gadd Banda - Mario Eugenio
Mario Eugenio - Tristeza de Nós Dois 04:02 Mario Eugenio - Tristeza de Nós Dois
Mario Eugenio - Escovado (Ernesto Nazareth) 02:48 Mario Eugenio - Escovado (Ernesto Nazareth)
Mário Eugenio - Incompatibilidade de Genios ( J.Bosco) 05:21 Mário Eugenio - Incompatibilidade de Genios ( J.Bosco)
Mario Eugenio - Bambino (Ernesto Nazareth) Fantasia 04:52 Mario Eugenio - Bambino (Ernesto Nazareth) Fantasia

Recent user activity

marioeugenio03 commented on video 1 year ago
Chick Corea is dead! by VeojamTeam 4 years ago
Comment: Um Cometa que só passa em 100 e 100 anos no planeta obrigado!
marioeugenio03 commented on video 5 years ago
This Masquerade (George Benson) - fingerstyle cover by VeojamPromo 5 years ago
Comment: Quando o musico toca , sem querer se sobre sair mais que a própria música, tudo fica mais bonito! parabéns irmão! arranjo , execução de qualidade!
marioeugenio03 liked video 5 years ago
This Masquerade (George Benson) - fingerstyle cover by VeojamPromo 5 years ago This Masquerade is composition by American musician Leon Russell. It became more popular when recorded by vocal duo, the Carpenters in 1973, but reached top-ten pop and R&B hit in 1976 when recorded by George Benson on his album Breezin'. In 1977, Benson's...
marioeugenio03 commented on video 5 years ago
Berta Rojas - La Catedral live 2012 by GuitarTubeTeam 12 years ago
Comment: Eu gravei esta linda musica no meu primeiro CD em 1998... A música mais perfeita para o Violão e o grau de dificuldade técnica nivel 100! Mas igual essa linda execução da Berta rojas, nunca ví igual... Muitos tocam. "em gravações" mas ao vivo, com essa velocidade, limpeza de som, interpretação, ninguém fez! Este vídeo é um acontecimento, antes e depois da interpretação de Berta Rojas! Orgulho de você! querida beijo!

Gravei essa linda música no meu primeiro CD em 1998... A música mais perfeita para o Violão e o grau de dificuldade técnica nível 100! Mas assim como esta bela execução de Berta Rojas, eu nunca vi o mesmo ... Muita gente joga. "nas gravações" mas ao vivo, com essa velocidade, limpeza de som, interpretação, ninguém fez! Este vídeo é um evento, antes e depois da interpretação de Berta Rojas! orgulhoso de você! beijo querido!
marioeugenio03 commented on video 5 years ago
Frevo (Egberto Gismonti) - Sönke Meinen by accu_zone 5 years ago
Comment: very good brazilian music...congratulations!
marioeugenio03 subscribed to a channel 5 years ago
masterclass CHANNEL
marioeugenio03 commented on video 5 years ago
Nadja Kossinskaja - Choro da Saudade by masterclass 5 years ago
Comment: Very Very Good interpretation! Congratulations!
marioeugenio03 liked video 5 years ago
Nadja Kossinskaja - Choro da Saudade by masterclass 5 years ago Choro da Saudade composed by Agustín Barrios Mangoré performed by Nadja Kossinskaja on Zenith 24 frets classical guitar. This impressive model classical guitar built by Menno Bos. Although Menno has built many different types of stringed instruments, his heart currently lies...
marioeugenio03 liked video 5 years ago
Lee Ritenour - For Seattle (Happy Birthday) by VeojamTeam 5 years ago Born January 11, 1952, acclaimed American jazz guitarist Lee Ritenour is celebrating 68 Birthday.Ritenour started to play guitar at the age of eight. He studied classical guitar at the University of Southern California. Lee played his first recording session with the Mamas...
marioeugenio03 commented on video 5 years ago
Walter Rodrigues Jr - Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head by jazzie 5 years ago
Comment: muito bom parabens

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