Thomas Bressel

Veojam member since June 23, 2011
Introducing the musician

As a Heavy Rock 'shred' musician, Thomas is the author of two instrumental albums "Influences of time" released in 2006 (which include some guests like Ron 'Bumblefoot' THAL), and "The land of chaos" in 2008. A third album will soon born under the name of "Virtual tragedies".

Any apparitions on compilations such as French Metal vol.3 or T2JSinfonie and as a guest on Pablo Soler album "Higher".
During the last years devoted pedagogy, live appearances with Youri De Groote (Paul Gilbert support act in Paris in 2007), or Ejams Live fest 2009 (Digne) .
Introducing the teacher

Pedagogue from a classical formation, teaching guitars in different music schools in France, his work is currently focused on the development of electric guitar classes but also on contemporary music workshops.
President of Guitar Xperience association, he manages masterclasses organization and bass guitar lessons development.

He's also the author of an electric guitar method in 8 volumes and a DVD about the 8 finger tapping technics. His pedagogy is a progressive and a flexible program from the initiation to DEM level


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Uploaded on July, 17, 2014  |  65,636 views Here is the first video cover of a long list ;) Rhythm guitars left & right : VIGIER Supra 7 strings Lead Guitars : VIGIER Supra 6 strings Bass : VIGIER excess 5 string Acoustic guitars : LAG Baby Jumbo (steel) & LAG Automnia (nylon) All was recorded with a Rocktron Prophesy 2...

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