Slash playin Jimi Hendrix "Hey Joe" at the UK Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
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Sookie3 years ago
Ugh my heart, slash is just AMAZING
Glenn5 years ago
Low spark of hi heeled boys
tommytone13 years ago
Jimi's works can only be interpreted. To expect slash to play his licks verbatim is asking Slash to be a douche and try to be Jimi. Jimi played this song many different ways and never did exactly what is on Experience Studio recording. Stevie Winwood is awesome. You should check out his take on Ray Charles. He is the white Ray. Honestly Slash is just "OK" not much special here. It's just rock n roll people.
steve1314 years ago
Blain the Conan O Brian look alike is steve winwood llol you pretend to know hendrix but you have No Stupid Ideas who is mr Winwood, mr Cox and Mitchell do you know who the fuck is Clapton. and why Slash always do his same old pentatonic scale routine llol
lukepritchardguitar15 years ago
yes it is windwood, billy cox,mitchell three iconic musicians and slash
teleripper55515 years ago
is that stevie winwood singing
Blain15 years ago
I wasn't digging it at all unfortunately - From the Conan O Brian look alike who sounded pretty awful, to Slash missing an incredible amount of notes and overall not even remotely doing justice to Hendrix in the least. Such a shame.. it really is.
yazzoo15 years ago
Blain, you're right. There's nothing to compare. Slash is miles behind Jimmy. Won't mention of the vocal as it's not worth it.
amgardner215 years ago
the singing sounded like shit but the guitar playing was good
Sookie3 years ago
Glenn5 years ago
tommytone13 years ago
steve1314 years ago
lukepritchardguitar15 years ago
teleripper55515 years ago
Blain15 years ago
yazzoo15 years ago
amgardner215 years ago