Performed live at Wodstock 1969.
One of the most creative and influential musicians of the 20th century, Jimi Hendrix pioneered the explosive possibilities of the electric guitar.
His version of "Red House" performed live at famous 1969 Woodstock Festival shows exactly what JImi's genius was.
Stephen Cunningham6 months ago
carlos8 months ago
carlos8 months ago
Double j3 years ago
Marcos3 years ago
Joel Handy4 years ago
hiz overwhelming compassion and unconditional love that he had for playing , helped him to endure to capture the true essence of greatness , while his heart was true and real ,he waz'nt full of pride or envy , he had to overcome much pressures , racial tension's, he waz in my opinion a true inspiration , as he took alot in , the discrimination, the Racsim, and wow he took all of that negativity of his generation , suffering and sacrifices were evident in his life , however James Marshall Hendrix did'nt succumb to fail , but he achieved hiz dreAmz ,Rest in Peace Jimi Hendrix
Jordan4 years ago
One note is that he has a guitar phrasing on this song I haven't heard in other Jimi recordings. You can see it when you look at the tableture. He rolls the last note away. Sonically, it's beautiful, and I'm not sure I've ever heard it emulated since.
vincent rodriguez4 years ago
JerryPaul4 years ago
Rick W4 years ago