Yamandu Costa & Renato Borghetti - Amazing!
Breathtaking performance of great Brazilan 7-string guitar player Yamandu Costa and Renato Borghetti on diatonic button accordion (gaita) in Ibirapuera Auditorium situated in Ibirapuera Park in Sao Paulo.
Other musicians appearing on the stage are Yamandu's long time-friend Guto Wirtti (bass) and Daniel Sá (guitar).
Yamandu is exceptional musician with incredible technique, I'm happy to share lot of his videos!
Patryk Czerski5 years ago
Andy Borrough8 years ago
jazzyup12 years ago
yazzoo13 years ago
Wahetever, this whas great pleasure to watch these Braisilan phenomenal artists!
rmazzei13 years ago
latino13 years ago