
Joan Thiele - talented girl from Italy

from Acoustic Guitar Zone in Acoustic Guitar  Just music!   66,526 views
I found this Italian girl with extremely nice voice, playing well guitar, and so I felt excited to share her video to wider audience. She's surely worth to pay more attention.
There's so many girls trying to make career in music business, but not many have something unique and nice to offer.
Joan has unique voice, great skills to play instrument, and unique repertoire.
Feel free to comment, share about this beautiful, talented girl.
I don't know much about Joan, her personal site is under construction. She's probably from Milan, and she's 21 years old.
Her facebook is

Song title in video is "Heartbeat", performed live on street of Reggio Emilia, historical town in the north of Italy, located between Parma and Modena, south of Verona.
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