
How to play Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers

from Guitar Online in Guitar Lessons   66,759 views
Sixth track from Red Hot Chili Peppers' 1999 seventh studio album, Californication remains one of the band's most popular and most performed live songs. According to Wikipedia the song is performed in the key of A minor with Frusciante picking the chords of Am and F for 12 measures before picking the chords of C-G-F-Dm then going back and picks Am and F for 8 more measures before picking C-G-F-Dm again. For the pre-chorus Frusciante then strums a combination of Am and Fmaj7 chords for 12 measures until the chorus when he strums the chords C-G-Dm-Am then C-G-Dm. After the second chorus a 16-measure guitar solo is played by Frusciante who changes the key to A Major. After the solo, the key goes back to the original A Minor and a third verse and final chorus is played.
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Rob Certenfold8 years ago

Great song, nice tutorial. THanks for this excellent share