Very nice song. I have a lot of personal memories with this song> Great to hear jazzy version so nicely performed.
axel578 years ago
thank you very much for your words and encouragement!
per-olov8 years ago
Though I am a classical guitarist, I simply love this sound! So smooth! And so well played too!
I enjoyed this very much.
axel578 years ago
thank you very much, Per-Olov, for your words, I'm also a classical guitarist, you can clearly see in my rigth hand
PS: my wife (guitarist also) is a great fan of you
per-olov8 years ago
Dear Alex,
Yes, I can see on your right hand technique that you are a classical educated guitarist.
I don't get how you can pluck those steel strings without ruining your nails. Good job!
Say hello to your wife and tell her I am honored.
Vincent F8 years ago
axel578 years ago
per-olov8 years ago
I enjoyed this very much.
axel578 years ago
PS: my wife (guitarist also) is a great fan of you
per-olov8 years ago
Yes, I can see on your right hand technique that you are a classical educated guitarist.
I don't get how you can pluck those steel strings without ruining your nails.
Say hello to your wife and tell her I am honored.