
Vincent (Starry Starry Night) - Songs to Remember

from Veojam Team in Acoustic Guitar  Just music!   67,415 views
One of the most beuatiful songs ever written in last 50 years. Performed by author himself, young Don McLean in 1972.
The lyrics refers to Vincent Van Gogh, one of the Dutch impressionist's most famous paintings. McLean told The Daily Telegraph the story of the song:

"In the autumn of 1970 I had a job singing in the school system, playing my guitar in classrooms. I was sitting on the veranda one morning, reading a biography of Van Gogh written by Vincent's brother, Theo, and suddenly I knew I had to write a song arguing that Vincent wasn't crazy. He had an illness and so did his brother Theo. This makes it different, in my mind, to the garden variety of 'crazy' – because he was rejected by a woman.. So I sat down with a print of Starry Night and wrote the lyrics out on a paper bag."

Van Gogh painted "Starry Night" after committing himself to an asylum in 1889. He wrote that night was "more richly colored than the day," but he couldn't go outside to see the stars when he was committed, so he painted the night sky from memory.

Underneath the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, there is a time capsule that contains the sheet music to this song along with some of the artist's brushes. This song is often played at the museum.
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Corey8 years ago

I've watched and listened dozens times to this song, different versions, different singers. And I am sure there is nothing better and will never be than this one by young author performed in 1972.

Andy8 years ago

Epic song. Poetry, song and beautiful young man.

per-olov8 years ago

A classic! Simply beautiful and makes me remember my youth in the seventies. I am happy to read below that he is still alive.

Marc O'Reilly8 years ago

Don McLean is 71 now. He was only 26 when he wrote this song. This is incredible how such young man could write such beautiful music and lyrics first. I was much older when "I understood what he tried to say to me"