
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony No. 40 by Vignola & Raniolo

from Easy Jazz Channel in Jazz Guitar   65,341 views
Crazy swing arrangement of famous Mozart's work by jazz guitar duo Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo performd live at Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza, Italy, 2013. You can find lot of information and videos by renown jazz guitarist Frank Vignola. Now few words about Vinny Raniolo. Vinny Raniolo is best known for his accompanying skills. He's a very high demand rhythm guitarist. He was accompanying Tommy Emmanuel, Frank Vignola and veteran Bucky Pizzarelli and the top local musicians in New York City clubs. Vinny is also known from his educational video DVD releases on Stefan Grossman's Shop, "Getting Around The Neck - Chord Inversions - Altered Voices - Harmony" and "Rhythm on Three Strings"
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