
Paul Gilbert from Behold Electric Guitar new album

from RockFuser in Electric Guitar   55,369 views
"Haven't It" - original song with long guitar solos ffrom latest Paul Gilbert's 2019 album "Behold Electric Guitar" released through Mascot Label Group May 17, 2019. Gilbert has never stopped pushing his playing. Among 10 guitarists who blew his mind GIlbert mention Eddie Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jimmy Page, Eric Johnson, Frank Marino, Pat Travers and Pat Thrall, Randy Rhoads, Gary Moore, Allan Holdsworth and Robin Trower.

Paul Gilbert about "Haven't It" song:
"This is the idea that even when I am satisfied with something, I still want more! It can be love, or guitars, or a great musical groove in the key of C. If it’s good, I want more of it!"
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