Chaconne in d minor by J.S.Bach arranged and performed by Irish guitar master John Feeley
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Alice Maria1 year ago
Victor Shinsky2 years ago
I have just heard this Chaconne version for the fist time and was blown away..... Until now, the most melodica guitarist for me was Segovia but I, believe, John plays better overall. It just flows better I guess. Segovia makes distinct brief pauses between cords (they do sound incredibly as one) so sometimes it sounds a bit 'drum' like. John's cords flow one into another and it 'sings' much better. Just brilliant, John!
Dan4 years ago
Absolutely wonderful!
kornelbrzyski8 years ago
Just perfect! Fantastic phrasing, timing. Bach 100%.
tangodancer14 years ago
john Feely you have now achieved greatness this is inspired playing my favourite version was Heifitz on violin until I heard this I prefer your performance to Segovias in the 1952 recording supposed to be the definitive version you just did it for me very emotional ..The greatest piece of music ever conceived by man. god bless you
Alice Maria1 year ago
Victor Shinsky2 years ago
Dan4 years ago
kornelbrzyski8 years ago
tangodancer14 years ago
ronynerozzi14 years ago