Jimi Hendrix - Bold as Love (audio)
Written by Jimi Hendrix "Bold as Love" is the last track from the album "Axis: Bold as Love." Originally released in December of 1967 in the UK, "Axis: Bold As Love" was held over until mid-January 1968 in the US.
Hendrix rarely played this in concert. At least one time he played at the Scene Club, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 28th, 1968.
Number of artists covered "Bold As Love". Most popular cover is by John Mayer, recorded in 2006 on his 2006 third album Continuum.
gwd5 years ago
Stephanie5 years ago
Cuz I'm Bold as Fucking Loove
Dave g5 years ago
@Candy_kiss90 Twitr5 years ago
Samb5 years ago
Stephen5 years ago
Dave Berry5 years ago
Dave Berry5 years ago
Dave Berry5 years ago
Angelo5 years ago