We have just found another amazing guitar duo of Polish artists Ewa Jablczynska and Dariusz Kupinski.
Well, they sound and look really impressive. Don't you think?
Both musicians are well educated, have won several prestigious competitions in Weikersheim, Parma, Tychy, Viareggio, Bojano, Erwitte.
The piece they play in this video is "Mazurka op. 17 no 4" by great Polish composer Frederic Chopin, mostly known from his piano works.
There is not much good arrangements of Chopin music for guitar. It's rather difficult to preserve specific tempo and tone, typical for the music of this Polish composer. Roland Dyens once made great arrangement of Chopin's waltz Op.69 No.2.
Now I found Mazurka op. 17 no 4 arranged by Dariusz and performed by Krupinski Duo, another excellent example. Who could do it better if not Polish musicians?
We are glad that from some time Kupinski Duo joined Veojam community!
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robotics17 years ago
It always seemed to me that the piano was Chopin's instrument for writing music for the guitar. Also hear the duo play Mazurka 24 and 41. And to the member who commented on Ewa's eyes: it's part of the unique connection these two have as a married couple that comes out in the music.
Theo Wallstern8 years ago
Best Chopin on classical guitar I've ever heard. Respect
Cis12312 years ago
Jestem oczarowany...
I am charmed...
masterclass12 years ago
There is something intriguing in Ewa's moves, in her eyes. I can't stop watching and listening to this lovely duo and music they play.
kupinskiguitarduo12 years ago
Thanks a lot for your comment:-)
per-olov12 years ago
Absolutely beautiful! I love the way you play together and the musical phrasing!
Per-Olov Kindgren
robotics17 years ago
Theo Wallstern8 years ago
Cis12312 years ago
I am charmed...
masterclass12 years ago
kupinskiguitarduo12 years ago
per-olov12 years ago
Per-Olov Kindgren