
Barrios Mangore - Una Limosna por el Amor de Dios

from Guitar Masterclass in Classical Guitar   68,091 views
Una Limosna por el Amor de Dios(Alms for the Love of God) is the full title of one of the most famous and most often performed compositions by Paraguayan classical guitarist and composer, Agustín Barrios Mangoré (1885 - 1944). Barrios was phenomenal guitarist but today he's more respected for his late-Romantic compositions for classical guitar.
Una Limosna is religiously-inspired work, with the story behind, about an old lady beggar, knocking at the door asking for the money to sing a song.
This is perfect example of tremolo composition, with the melody in the soprano voice underpinned by rhythmic motif in the middle voice.
For many years Barrios has been one of the most underrated composers for the modern guitar, overshadowed by works of Segovia and Villa-Lobos. Today his spontaneous and passionate compositions are like jazz standards in the classical guitar repertoire.

In video, who could better explain and express Barrios masterpiece if not David Russell, Grammy Awarded, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music, exceptional guitarist and person.
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Les Ford3 years ago

Thank you. "I bless you".