Since I remember Albinoni's Adagio in G-Minor was always one of my favourite classical compositions. I used to listen to this beautiful music hundreds times, seen dozen performances live in Paris, Vienna and few other smaller venues. But couldn't ever find high quality video with performance I could like enough.
Video posted is possibly closest to my expectations though not that great as performance with some powerful organ.
It's Copernicus Chamber Orchestra, group of Polish musicians directed by Horst Sohm live in concert, Festival de Musica de LĀ“Escala in Spain, 2011.
Just get it loud and listen entire, it's beautiful!
If you're looking for good classical guitar arrangement of Albinoni's Adagio, Mr Per-Olov Kindgren has one.
Just check his video ...
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Randall6 years ago
kornelbrzyski8 years ago
I've heard it live twice. First time I was deeply impressed even if it was not famous ensamble, second time many years ago in Paris on Bastille Day in famous Sainte Chapelle. Was great but too quiet.
Randall6 years ago
kornelbrzyski8 years ago