Ain´t she sweet (Milton Ager / Beatles) -guitar solo cover
"Ain't She Sweet" is a song composed by Milton Ager (music) and Jack Yellen (lyrics) and published in 1927 by Edwin H. Morris & Co., Inc./Warner Bros., Inc. It became popular in the first half of the 20th century, one of the hit songs that typified the Roaring Twenties.
A rock and roll version of "Ain't She Sweet" — most likely influenced by Gene Vincent's version — was performed by the Beatles in the early sixties.
per-olov9 years ago
Vrecun9 years ago
Thank you, you make me proud.
Congrats for your concert. Did it work playing by heart?
big hugs,
per-olov9 years ago
Thanks for answering. It made me listen to this again. Very, very good! WOW! God bles.... sorry.
Yes, It was nice playing without any music stand. I made 2 errors but I think no one noticed. :-)
Hard hugs to Karin and you!