Fernando Sor-Etude №3 op.31-Dmitry Nilov
Etude №3 op.31 by Fernando Sor performed by Dmitry Nilov.
I chose Etudes by Fernando Sor op.31 for several reasons:
1) Fernando Sor is an outstanding composer;
2) My students play these etudes on different levels of their study. At their request I will from time to time record in my home studio etudes with which we are working now;
3) Not only the playing technique (here I mean velocity) is improved with the help of Sor's etudes, but also the musical thinking is developed. In my opinion it is even more important for a musician;
4) There is nothing very complicated at first sight in scores, but this impression is misleading. Each etude can be performed in a different fingering. And on the assumption of the problems to solve (conception of performing) you can identify for yourself the level of this piece's complexity.