A Little Waltz by Howard Heitmeyer

from Claudio Pezzella in Classical Guitar   65,434 views
Howard Heitmeyer, best known for his popular classical guitar arrangements, was born in Arizona. After completing high school Howard served in the military and was stationed in Europe. After leaving the military in 1946 he became interested in the guitar, and by 1948 he was established as a professional musician playing the jazz guitar in Phoenix night clubs. He decided to move to Los Angeles in 1955. He did club work in Los Angeles and started into studio work, doing motion pictures and records and along the way developed an interest in the classical guitar.

In 1965 he decided to concentrate solely on the classical guitar and so became a music teacher in Inglewood, California. After a period of time he noticed that students were interested in popular and jazz tunes on the classical guitar. This being Howard's interest also he concentrated on this area of guitar.

Howard played many concerts and programs in the seventies and eighties. Over the years he has arranged thousands of pieces for the classical guitar, mostly of a popular nature. Currently his Latin Stylings, Technique Tips and My Favorite Hymns are becoming very popular throughout USA . Students come from all parts of the country to study with Howard.


"Howard Heitmeyers name should be on the role of the best guitarists EVER . Infact he has got an amazing ability to read and interpret classical guitar, and he could memorize everything. He really impressed me with being one of the best guitarists I ever heard."
-Laurindo Almeida

"Howard Heitmeyer is one of the most dedicated musicians I've ever known. As far as we were concerned he was busy being a devout student of the guitar."
-Tommy Tedesco

"Howard took up the guitar from scratch. I've never seen anybody ever learn anything so fast in my life. He then went on to study orchestration and composition and write beautiful stuff. He could read like crazy - a total musician. He saw me struggling with a classical (guitar); he took it up and -overnight again-became outrageous. He is truly an amazing person."
-Howard Roberts
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