
Al Di Meola - Cinema Paradiso (Ennio Morricone)

from Al Di Meola Fan in Jazz Guitar  Acoustic Guitar   67,572 views
Exceptional piece of music composed by Ennio Morricone and his son, Andrea arranged for aciustic guitars and performed by Al Di Meola and Peo Alfonsi on guitars during Leverkusener Jazztage 2016.
One more time Al Di Meola proves how fabulous guitarist he is, acoustic or electric, playing jazz, root music, tango or classical. Classically educated Italian guitarist Peo Alfonsi (diploma with honors from the Conservatory of Cagliari), is perfect companion for Di Meola. Peo attended several courses and holds a degree in Music Education with attention to the jazz and folk music. He teaches now jazz guitar at the Conservatory of Parma and accompany Di Meola for almost last 10 years.
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