Eric Clapton - Over the Rainbow
Eric can cover so many styles and always his songs sound perfect, often better than original.
This time you can watch him playing "Over the Rainbow" classic song by Harold Arlen with lyrics by Yip Harburg, written for the movie The Wizard of Oz, first time sung by Judy Garland actress.
One of most famous "Over the Rainbow" cover was one recorded in 1992 by Eva Cassidy, who died of cancer in 1996 and was accidentally discovered in 2001. Eric was a big fan of her voice. He even tried to contact her through Blix Street Records and been shocked to hear that she is dead. We can only guess that Eric's covers of songs like "Over the Rainbow" and "Autumn Leaves" are a kind of tribute to Eva Cassidy
[object HTMLInputElement]3 years ago
Andrés8 years ago