Sarara' - Yamandu Costa cover
A further beautiful song by the gaucho guitarist Yamandu Costa. The song is inspired by the story of a healer who rides a white horse spreading healing through the villages.
The chords and rythm of this piece originate from a deep bond that Yamandu Costa has with the roots and the culture of the interior of Brazil. This reminds me very much the novels of JEORGE AMADO who represents the truer expression of Brazilian identity and culture.
Some lyrics of the song that Costa used to sing in the last part of the piece :
Olha que a noite ja vem !
Olha que o tempo virou !
Olha na estrada està vindo !
o cavalo baio, sara Sararà!
Aquela estrada distante ,
Onde nao passa ninguem
Ouço o barulho dos cascos
do cavalo baio sarà Sararà !
per-olov7 years ago
CLAPEZ7 years ago