
Harry Manx and his Mohan Veena guitar

from Bluesbreaker in Blues   64,655 views
Born on the Isle of Man, Harry Manx played slide guitar for many years before he went to India, where he spent five years. In Rajasthan (India) he met Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, Grammy-winning Hindustani classical music instrumentalist and learned from him Eastern scales and ragas, deceptively complex and regimented musical patterns that form the basis of Indian composition. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt is the inventor of the 20-stringed mohan veena, which has become Manx's signature instrument. Manx connected Indian ragas with blues scales and develeped his own unique style.
Mohan Veena is a 20-string instrument with 3 melody strings, 5 drone strings coming out of the peg heads, and 12 sympathetic strings attached to tuners mounted to a piece of wood added to the side of the neck.
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Tommy lee3 years ago

I like it I am a sitarist I've often thought of the Mohan Venna . this is an inspiration for me.
Thanks Harry Manax fir opening another part of NY heart.