OBLIVION - A. Piazzolla : Roland Dyens arrangement

from Claudio Pezzella in Classical Guitar   64,641 views
THE LAST TANGO IS THE COLLECTION OF 10 GUITAR ARRANGEMENTS OF PIAZZOLLA MASTERPIECES, it was published postumously in November 2016 thanks to Laura Dyens Taar, Roger Eon, Sérgio Assad and Productions d'Oz Silvan Lemay . For three years, Roland Dyens has been completely taken by the crazy passion to compose 10 arrangements of music by Astor Piazzolla for solo guitar.
Sadly, on October 29th 2016 Roland Dyens passed away and left us this beautiful and unique "last" work as a legacy before leaving for a more quiet "skaï".
Here is my humble version of OBLIVION..... as always ...pls be indulgent :-).

ROLAND DYENS A MASTER OF THE COLOURS as Degas, Monet, Manet, Van Gogh .... In impressionist painting, images always convey a feeling of mobility, in the same way, Dyens thanks to his peculiar musical capabilities, catches the feeling of the fleeting moment. Reality is constantly changing in appearance...therefore the light in the musical phrasing changes at every moment exactly as in a picture by Manet ...people is continuously moving in the picture space: the vision of a moment is different in the next moment. Panta rei, everything flows....
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