
La Niña en la Tienda de Flores (The Girl in the Flower Shop)

from Per-Olov Kindgren in Classical Guitar   60,879 views
La Niña en la Tienda de Flores / The Girl in the Flower Shop ( is inspired of when I was in a flower shop in Miami for buying red roses for Valentins day. The young girl serving me was a beautiful young "Latina" with a smile I will never forget. She told me my wife/girlfriend was very lucky to receive those beautiful, red roses. I felt like giving her one of them and a kiss on her cheek before leaving… but never did. So sad. This is part of my continuously growing suite: “Estampas" – (Images from Spain).
Drop D- tuning. (E B G D A D)
Guitar: Per Hallgren (2016)
Guitar support: Sageworks Atlas support.
Strings. Oasis carbon fiber
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VeojamTeam6 years ago

This is same like yesterday I visited my clinic to monitor ECG. The girl monitoring me was so beautiful and I imagined how I kiss on her cheek before leaving… but never did. And never composed such beautiful music smiley

per-olov6 years ago

Dear D. I hope your ECG was good? And that you are well and strong! We need you here!
I think that next time I see a beautiful woman/girl, I will give her a kiss. During these "#metoo" times, we men has to be careful though. Sad times, in my view... next time you see a sweet nurse, kiss her on her hand. Like a gentleman. I will! :-)
Thank you for listening to me.

Vrecun6 years ago

Pujol-Olov Kindgren, what a lovely piece did you compose!!
I am getting older because I love romantic pieces - sigh !!!
big hugs from the south,

per-olov6 years ago

You!? Getting older? Naaaa. Only Grandfathers get older... Umpf... sorry...
thank you my friend. As you can figure out, I couldn’t go to China... :-( so I decided to post as many videos I can this week.