
"Teddy Bear" by Per-Olov Kindgren

from Per-Olov Kindgren in Classical Guitar   27,586 views
Tabs and Sheet music are available here: ... "Björn" ('bear' in Swedish) was my much loved and constant childhood companion. We walked the woods (well, actually me dragging him, making his furry feet all muddy), we slept in the same bed, he comforted me when I had hurt myself (I often did!) and he never said "No" when I asked him to go on adventures. What a Pal!
I have composed 3 pieces for him: 1. Teddy Bear, 2. Waltz for Björn and 3. New Adventures!
After the Russian dictator invaded it's neighbor Ukraine, I lost my inspiration to compose for 4 weeks! The chock is (almost) over and I can again write some music. I just made 2 new pieces that will be published on my web site today. (April 16, 2022).
Slava Ukraini!
Peace and Love!
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