Duerme Niña (Sleep Little Girl) TABS and score here: https://shop.per-olovkindgren.co ... is a “Canción de Cuna” or a “Lullaby” that I composed many years ago for a little girl in Miami Beach. She was 10 years old then and I wanted to play it for her before she fell asleep but, for many sad reasons, I never got the chance. I hope she will hear it some day here or on Veojam.com or on YouTube or Vimeo.com or at a concert somewhere.
Guitar made by Chinese luthier Jialan (2016) Torres model (640 mm.) http://jialanguitar.com/
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Nathan from Israel6 years ago
It's like a short magic story that my grandma used to narrate before I got asleep long time ago. I didn't remember it next day, but it's so precious memory after many years.
per-olov6 years ago
Hi Nathan.
Thank you for commenting and listening to me. I am glad my music brought some nice memories back to you from your childhood.
All the best,
Nathan from Israel6 years ago
per-olov6 years ago
Thank you for commenting and listening to me. I am glad my music brought some nice memories back to you from your childhood.
All the best,