
Cafe 1930 (Astor Piazzolla) - Al di Meola live at Colos-Saal

from Al Di Meola Fan in Jazz Guitar   67,290 views
Cafe 1930 composed by Astor Piazzolla in 1986 is the second movement from his Histoire du Tango suite.
Al Di Meola met Piazzolla when both were touring Japan in 1985. The two artists found much in common. Both had parents who emigrated from Italy, and as a boy Piazzolla spent seven years in New York. It was Piazzolla who told Meola that tango originated in Napoli, Italy.
In 1991 Al DI Meola recorded his first "World Sinfonia" album with Tango Suite part I and II by Piazzolla. In 1993 on World Sinfonia II (Heart of the Immigrants) album he recorded next 4 tangos by Piazzolla; Nightclub 1960, Bordel 1900, Cafe 1930 and Milonga Del Angel.
Finally in 1996 Meola released album completely dedicated to Astor "Di Meola Plays Piazzolla" with arrangements of Piazzola only music.
"Cafe 1930" is the second track on album. In video Meola plays shortened version of Piazzola tango in Aschaffenburg, Bavaria on 28 November 2013 accompanied by Kevin Seddiki (2nd guitar), Fausto Beccalossi (accordeon) and Rhani Krija (percussion).
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