
Wild Mountain Thyme - traditional Scottish Song

from Classic Promo in Classical Guitar   65,759 views
"Wild Mountain Thyme" , also known as "Will Ye Go, Lassie, Go?" is traditional Scottish folk song written by Francis McPeake 1st from musical family in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Lyrics by Scottish poet Robert Tannahill is about the hills (braes) around Balquhidder near Lochearnhead.
it is believed that McPeake rather arranged an already-existent travelling folk version and popularised the song as his father's. Bob Dylan's recording of the song is cited as traditional, though Dylan's copyright records indicate that the song is sometimes "attributed to" McPeake.
In video this is Gary Campbell, classical guitarist from Aberdeen who is playing "Wild Mountain Thyme" distinctly, with great virtuosity
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Andy_guitar7 years ago

fabulous version. I wish to have scores fo it!

Texasblu7 years ago

Gorgeous - thank you!

VeojamTeam7 years ago

Few facts from Wikiopedia clean-up:

1. Wild Mountain Thyme is not a traditional song. It was composed by Francis McPeak (and his father).
2. The McPeak family are Irish
3. The published version in my possession attributes the words and music to Francis
The copyright is owned by the Eglish Folk Dance and Song Society, who presumably published it on behalf of McPeak.
4. It is often erroniously believed to be a traditional song in the public domain, but is actually a composed song with a copyright owner.