A piece composed by Wolfgang Vrecun. Inspired by "Gymnopédies" he tried to keep this fascinating atmosphere playing with a classical guitar.
Guitar: Philip Woodfieled
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per-olov6 years ago
... and for some reason my comment was cut. I also added that your guitar sounds amaz... God bless...
CUSA 2020,
Vrecun6 years ago
Thank you dear Peo! But what do you mean by "strange"? :-)
God bless you, you amazing strange guy from the north ;-)
per-olov6 years ago
Dear Herr Vrecun,
You are my idol! This composition is a wunderbares tribut to a very strange man: Erik Satie. It takes a strange man to do this! :-)
per-olov6 years ago
CUSA 2020,
Vrecun6 years ago
God bless you, you amazing strange guy from the north ;-)
per-olov6 years ago
You are my idol! This composition is a wunderbares tribut to a very strange man: Erik Satie. It takes a strange man to do this! :-)