
Coffee Break in Dali (China)

from Per-Olov Kindgren in Classical Guitar   64,827 views
I was in Dali, south of China, in February 2018 and we went to a library to have a coffee break. Sitting there in rural China, having a perfect served and delicious cup of Cappuccino was a strange, yet wonderful, experience. In this tribute to my dear friends John and Miya, I wanted to add a “Chinese feeling” to the music but also inserted 8 measures of a “Western feeling” theme into it. (from 2:02 you can hear that part dedicated to John). Sheet music and TABs are available here: ...
Guitar: Per Hallgren, Sweden (2016) (with very used/old strings...) Sorry...
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Vrecun7 years ago

That shows another musical side of you. Great! So strange and "earwarming" (=beautiful , copyright Wrrrrätschi) at the same time.
big hugs and

per-olov7 years ago

Dear Wrrrätschi,
Thank you! You haven't seen all sides of me yet! :-) I can do a great Tango dance too! Olé! Dali was very inspiring. I am going back in October to give a masterclass.
BTW, I was at Copenhagen Bike Show yesterday and met Riese & Müller. I think I will buy an e-bike from them anyways! The Supercharger mit Rolhoff-gear hub is amazing! Then, I'll bicycle all the way to Geboltskirchen!
Thank you for commenting here. (Why not on Vimeo too?) :-)

VeojamTeam7 years ago

Dear Peo,
It's quite different from what I used to hear from you. But it's very, very nice.
I know it's heavily influenced by your travel to China. This is amazing how travels can change one's perspectives, inspire, give an opportunity to reflect on life and mankind. I can realize how lucky you are because of such exotic travel and because of having opportunity to meet all those nice people.
Personally I love traveling a lot. But my travels are usually limited to short vacation time. Anyway every year I'm always excited to see new places, meet new people, eat new food, hear new music smiley

per-olov7 years ago

Dear friend and team,
Thank you. China was very inspiring! Classical guitar is very popular there! I am going back in October to give a masterclass. Even in a remote area as Dali (5 hours flight south of Beijing) there were lots of young people playing the guitar. And drinking coffee! :-)
You should visit Dali! it is a beautiful place! 20°C all year and never rain! Beautiful mountains and good food and kind people! If it was in Europe, it would be crowded with tourists! Hilton Hotel is beautiful and cheap!
Love and Peace,

VeojamTeam7 years ago

Hey Peo,
I've read about your plans to buy an e-bike. As I have an e-bike from 5 years I thought I could share my thoughts... Well, it's fantastic for me. My legs are not in best condition and e-bike was the only chance to do some outdoor activity. I have "Heibike" e-bike with Bosch support. It's German company, the leader on European e-bikes market, popular in UK. Now they also offer e-bike with Yamaha support, which is little bit cheaper. It wasn't cheap, but I do not regret it absolutely. It's perfect for older people or for people with legs disease, or just poor condition. From 5 years I do not imagine my vacation without e-bike. If I can't travel with it, I just rent it.
Best regards.

per-olov7 years ago

That sounds great! I tried an e-bike for the first time when visiting Wolfgang Vrecun in Austria. I was instantly hooked. Great feeling riding in the Alps without any effort. I only want Bosh motor. Riese & Müller is hand made in Germany with double battery so one can ride all day. I will visit their shop tomorrow and perhaps order one. Delivery time is almost like a hand made guitar: 3-6 months.
Thank you for your input regarding this. appreciated!